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Charles Léandre kunstwerk • aquarel • tekening • te koop Femmes à la Toilette

Charles Léandre

Femmes à la Toilette
Pastell auf Papier auf Malerholzfaser 48,0 x 37,8 cm, Unterzeichnet r.u.

Dieses Werk auf Papier steht zum Verkauf.

Preise: € 6.500

Charles Léandre started in Paris in 1887 by exhibiting atmospheric, impressionistic pastel drawings of female figures, which in terms of subject choice and elaboration were in line with the impressionism of painters such as Henri de Toulouse Lautrec and Degas. He was also known to the general public for his humorous drawings and political caricatures. As such, together with Louis Morin, he founded the Société des Humoristes and worked for famous newspapers and magazines such as Le Figaro and Le Rire. Around 1905 Léandre also worked for some time in Holland, including in Volendam. Museums: e.g. Musée Carnavalet et Musée du Petit Palais in Paris.

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