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Schaakset, opbergdoos Kunstwerk • Bild • Skulptur • zuvor zu verkaufen Chess set Charles Hastilow style ivory set with a mahogany box

Schaakset, opbergdoos   | Schaakset, opbergdoos, Chess set Charles Hastilow style ivory set with a mahogany box, Elfenbein 8,5 x 3,5 cm, executed mid 19th century

Schaakset, opbergdoos

Chess set Charles Hastilow style ivory set with a mahogany box
Elfenbein 8,5 x 3,5 cm, executed mid 19th century

Dieses Skulptur stand zuvor zum Verkauf.

Herkunft: part. bezit Groot-Brittannië.
Literatur: Zie Keats, pag. 124 c.v. Victor Keats, The Illustrated Guide to World Chess sets, Batsford Ltd, 1985, p. 148 and 153 for similar sets.

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